What is BitReXe

Bitcoin Parallel Execution VMs and programming model to solve the blockchain trillema

BitReXe is the Parallelized Turing-Complete Smart Contract layer on the Bitcoin Network, aiming to facilitate mass adoption of real-world use cases on Bitcoin through its highly scalable infrastructure, powered by the PREDA programming model.

BitRexe's Bitcoin Layer 2 refers to a solution proposed by the BitRexe team to enhance Bitcoin's scalability and functionality without compromising its security.

This Layer 2 solution allows Bitcoin miners to simultaneously mine a native first-class asset on BitRexe, known as BRX, without the necessity of fulfilling the difficulties of the current Bitcoin epoch. This approach helps to increase the block interval, which is a key factor in scaling Bitcoin, without the risk of producing more orphan blocks. Such an approach can enable faster, more confidential Bitcoin transactions and the issuance of digital assets.

The BitRexe Layer 2 also aims to provide a new asset issuance paradigm for Bitcoin, making it programmable like ERC-20 tokens, while maintaining the security of Bitcoin. This approach is part of BitRexe's broader vision to enable the creation and management of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts on a parallel blockchain system, which Bitcoin secures.


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