Tribe - Referral Program

Earn together with your tribe

You will receive 10% of the SIP(Social Influence Point) from the users you invited. No limit.

The mechanism is designed to align incentives of both referral (KOL with followers) and referrer (people who posted often).

when a referral finishes a regular or event quest and receives a score, the referrer will receive a 10% of referral's score, adding it to the tribe total score.

  • Referrals get

  • Referrers:

To give an example, Bob posted his Tribe code on Twitter and successfully invited 5 followers to finish the standard quests. Referrer received a total of 500 points (100 each). Bob will automatically receive 50 points as a referral bonus. Only the cumulative score will be recorded in the Tribe leaderboard.

Important notice: An individual is not ranked and receives $LENS until he whom joined or created a Tribe.

To invite people, simply use the "share" button beside your invitation code. You can choose to use the pre-generated tweet or phrase it yourself. Visit:

To join a tribe, simply click "join" and enter the six-digital code (same as one's shortened wallet address if not altered).

To access to the referral program, you need to install a wallet and finish the regular quests.

Last updated